Friday, April 1, 2016

And we're done... for now.

Okay... as with all of my blog posts... I'm standing at my computer, looking blankly at the screen deciding what to write. I'm not one for reflection... at least not the public kind and I find it difficult to get my ideas out not knowing if there is anybody else reading it, or for that matter, caring about what I'm writing.

So... here it goes. Last night of the course... I think, I hope I'm done all of the other components.

1. Describe one significant idea or issue that has arisen for you, as you were engaging in the topics during Learning Experiences #3 and #4.

I did like the idea of creating the 3-year strategic plan. I did have the ability to do many of the things that I included in the plan when I did my stint as the IT Consultant and many of the components that I included were adjusted based on things that I did that didn't run as smoothly as I would have liked. Maybe in the future, I'll get to try out many of my planned ideas. Ultimately, our plan has to have one desired outcome... achieving student success. The successes can and should be different and our plans need to accommodate for those differences. Through budget expenditures for purchasing devices, supporting the pedagogy behind their use, and creating community connections and chances for involvement, we are ensuring that our students are receiving the best possible environment for learning. In the end, it isn't what I like, what devices I use, or what the teachers likes are... it is what our students are getting. Sometimes that idea gets lost... sometimes, we need to ask our students what their needs are and act on that.

2. Elaborate on how specific resources, ideas or experiences in these Learning Experiences have contributed to your learning. e.g. reading material, course activities etc.

I think experiences, like the blog, the strategic plan, the training calendar, and the survey forced me to reflect on many of the situations that I've encountered in my career. I've seen a lot... I've talked to a lot of people.... and I've worked with countless teachers and an even larger number of students. I've learned a lot from my experiences. I think that everyone needs to have more experiences to have a greater understanding and appreciation for just how big the education system is and how important it is to move out of your comfort zone and learn something new. Teaching is an evolution and just reading many of the comments and ideas from my colleagues in the forums here opens your eyes to the bigger world that we are part of. It doesn't matter if you teach in Northern Ontario, Toronto, or across the planet... we are all teachers and have a responsibility to mold a person. We are contributing factors to how a person will grow up in this world.

3. Share how your participation in the discussion forums have contributed to your learning and connect this to your understanding of the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession.

I think I covered this above... Just by being a part of this course and other courses, we are committing ourselves to learning more about the strategies, tools, and ideals needed to ensure that our students are getting what they need to be successful. The world is changing... education has to change too.

4. Discuss any outstanding questions and the steps you may take to further explore your interests as part of your learning in the course.

I don't know... honestly, With the completion of yet another task, I look forward to what I'll do next. I love to read, talk, and learn more about learning. I'll probably just keep doing that. Never stop exploring.

Thanks for the learning experience and to those reading this... if any, thanks for sharing in my thoughts.

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